Quilty finishes for 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, it's a great time to look back to see some of my quilt finishes.  

Tank's owly quilt

Tina & Tilman's "42 Mocha Berry Shadows & Thanks for all the Fish!"

Thirty Shuffle for Henry & Barb

Comfort Quilts for CKQG 
- the tops come to me pieced, with batting & backing and I do the quilting - 
someone else does the binding - I love it!

More quilts headed for Comfort Quilts for CKQG - these tops are ones that my BF does, and I do the quilting.  I have about a dozen more to quilt!  My favourite method for this was putting the quilts side-by-side - the last batch we sent for binding had 4 quilts on one back - not even cut apart - sure cuts down on loading time!  I didn't even keep track of how many of these I've done :(  Oh well.

This quilt is going to a JDRF fundraiser - the back is so fun - popsickles!

Patriotic Blazing Star for Doug & Lara

And there is a pile of tops I've finished, ever so patiently waiting their turn on the frame :) So lots to look forward to already for 2013!!